- Building Committee
Meets as needed. This Committee will provide review and oversight of matters pertaining to the District’s long range planning for office space, maintenance shop, storage lot and police headquarters.
- Bruce Brackin, Chair
- Kenny Latham, Vice Chair
- Kenny Windham
- Jack Winstead
- Jason Spellings
- Bylaws Committee
Meets as needed. This Committee will provide review and oversight of matters pertaining to the District’s Board of Directors By Laws.
- Kenny Windham, Chair
- Kenny Latham, Vice Chair
- Billy Cook
- Jack Winstead
- Executive Committee
Meets Quarterly or as needed. Requirements of Pearl River Valley Water Supply District by-laws. The President shall designate five directors, one from each county of the District, who, with the President make up the Committee.
- Billy Cook, Chair
- Kenny Latham, Vice Chair
- Kenny Windham
- Don Thompson
- Lonnie Johnson
- Randy McIntosh
- Finance Committee
Meets Quarterly or as needed. This Committee reviews and approves all financial matters related to operation of the District.
- Billy Cook, Chair
- Randy McIntosh, Vice Chair
- Kenny Windham
- Tedrick Ratcliff, Jr.
- Lonnie Johnson
- Don Thompson
- Forestry & Wildlife Committee
Meets Quarterly or as needed. This Committee works primarily with the District Forester on all matters related to management of District forest lands.
- Phillip Crosby, Chair
- Tedrick Ratcliff, Jr. Vice Chair
- Kenny Latham
- Jack Winstead
- Jason Spellings
- Brandon White
- Law Enforcement, Asset Protection and Emergency Management Committee
Meets as needed. This Committee will provide oversight and review of matters pertaining to the District’s emergency planning, business continuity, police services and assets.
- Billy Cook, Chair
- Kenny Latham, Vice Chair
- Bruce Brackin
- Lonnie Johnson
- Jason Spellings
- Kenny Windham
- Legislative Committee
Meets as needed. This Committee will provide review and oversight of matters pertaining to the impact of State Legislation that will impact the District.
- Tedrick Ratcliff Jr., Chair
- Jack Winstead, Vice Chair
- Don Thompson
- Kenny Latham
- Jason Spellings
- Billy Cook
- Kenny Windham
- Parks Policy Committee
Meets Monthly or as needed. This Committee deals with issues related to management of the District's parks, campgrounds, boat ramps, landscaping, etc. This Committee deals with issues related to management of the District's parks, campgrounds, boat ramps, landscaping, etc.
- Kenny Latham, Chair
- Bruce Brackin, Vice Chair
- Phillip Crosby
- Lonnie Johnson
- Jack Winstead
- Don Thompson
- RV Parking Appeal Committee
Meets as needed. This Committee will provide oversight and review of matters pertaining to the District’s parking regulations regarding Recreational Vehicles.
- Tedrick Ratcliff, Jr., Chair
- Kenny Latham, Vice Chair
- Don Thompson
- Shoreline Development Committee
Meets Monthly or as needed. This Committee has, as its main responsibility, the oversight of development of property owned by the District to insure that projects are not only economically justified, but are environmentally sound.
- Randy McIntosh, Chair
- Tedrick Ratcliff, Jr., Vice Chair&
- Bruce Brackin
- Don Thompson
- Jason Spellings
- Jack Winstead
- Billy Cook
- Brandon White
- Kenny Windham
- Water/Sewer Billing Review Committee
Meets Quarterly or as needed.
- Jack Winstead, Chair
- Kenny Windham
- Randy McIntosh
- Don Thompson